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Team Meeting


Lake County Continuum of Care is designed to promote a countywide commitment to end homelessness. We are community members from various agencies contributing our time and efforts to attain our goal of ending homelessness within Lake County. This includes coordinating housing navigation to share knowledge and resources available in our community. 


Flexible Payment Planning

We provide funding opportunities to local non-profit organizations to promote and provide access to programs for individuals and families at risk of homelessness or experiencing homelessness using California's Housing First Policy. Grant applications are evaluated by consistent standards, void of conflicts of interest, that will help the community the most with the funds the CoC has received. They are awarded with the strategic plan, gaps analysis and community input in mind to provide the best possible programs based on equity and funding requirements.

Collect and Evaluate Data 

Market Analysis

Each Continuum of Care is required to use a Homeless Management Information System (HMIS).  The HMIS is a client data collection database. The data is used as provision services to individuals and families at risk of homelessness or experiencing homelessness. The HMIS data is used by Performance Review to determine the overall performance of agencies funded by CoC grants. The data helps guide our overall strategic plan. Click here to see our performance reviews.

Go Team

Coordinated Entry

Coordinated entry is a standardized process for individuals and families at risk of homelessness or experiencing homelessness. Clients are assessed and referred to housing and other services.  The Coordinated Entry System works to ensure the best possible, equitable outcomes for individuals and families experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness. 

Team Meeting

Point in Time Count

The Point-in-Time (PIT) Count is an annual census and survey to identify the sheltered and unsheltered homeless population across the County. This count is required for all recipients of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) funding. The PIT Count takes place during the last week of January each year. The PIT Count helps the CoC plan services and programs to appropriately address local needs, measure progress in decreasing homelessness, and identify strengths and gaps in our community’s current homelessness assistance system.

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