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Morgan Hunter

Lake County Behavioral Health Services to Become CoC Administrative Entity

Updated: Oct 16, 2019

Lake County Behavioral Health Services announced that it will be taking on the role of Administrative Entity from Adventist Health Clear Lake in 2019.

In July 2017, Adventist Health Clear Lake (AHCL) stepped up to take on the role of administrative entity (AE) for the Lake County Continuum of Care, serving as the fiscal backbone for the organization. The plan was to build the coalition's capacity and infrastructure, and to achieve sustainability for the coalition, with the end in mind for a suitable AE to take it over by July 2019.

At the September monthly CoC meeting, Lake County Behavioral Health (LCBH) Administrator Todd Metcalf announced that the organization will be taking the mantle in 2019 to continue to move the work forward with a focus on permanent supportive housing. The transition of entity may take place as early as January to align better with emerging grant draw down opportunities through the California Emergency Solutions & Housing (CESH) and Homeless Emergency Aid Program (HEAP) grants.

Prior to AHCL taking the reigns, the Lake County CoC was drawing down a total of just under $500,000 per year in Emergency Solutions Grants for the sole purpose rapid rehousing. As year ends in 2018, through collaborative approaches, emerging volunteer leadership and a part time coordinator the CoC will have applied for a total of more than $2.8 million for a variety of Lake County programs to reduce and prevent homelessness, including competitive grants that were once out of reach for the small coalition.

Included in the new grant is funding for the CoC to strengthen it's HMIS and Coordinated Entry programs, giving room for 4 staff to move the coalition work forward once LCBH takes over as AE.

"We are excited to see where Todd and LCBH takes the coalition next," said Marianne Taylor, Manager of Grants & Community Wellness at AHCL and also serving as the LCCoC Coordinator. "LCBH has been applying for grants that only they are able to attain, and that combined with CoC funds is sure to make a robust menu of programs to ensure that no one falls through the cracks -- especially our chronic street homeless who are suffering from mental health disorders. We need them off the street and somewhere Todd. We couldn't be more proud of our county for stepping up to the plate."

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