Lake County Continuum of Care Announces Competition for 2022 Emergency Solutions Grant for Rapid Rehousing and Emergency Shelter Programs
Lake County, CA (July 14, 2022) -- Lake County Continuum of Care (LCCoC) is pleased to announce the availability of two grant opportunities through the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Program.
These Balance of State (BoS) ESG funds are available in two grants:
· a $116,089 Formula Allocation Grant for Rapid Rehousing Programs only, and
· a $116,089 Regional Competition Grant for Emergency Shelter or Rapid Rehousing Programs
Agencies applying must be a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, government agency including housing authority, or a state or federally recognized tribal that serves those struggling with homelessness or at-risk of becoming homeless in Lake County. Agencies may apply for both grant opportunities; however, the programs must meet the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) definition of Rapid Rehousing or Emergency Shelter. Local applicants must meet the 100% match funding requirements outlined in the ESG NOFA for the full grant allotment:
Applicants will apply directly with HCD through the eCivis portal, save the application as a PDF, and email it to LCCoC Administrative Entity no later than August 5, 2022.
The LCCoC will review the applications on eCivis and make recommendations to HCD for both grants. Recommended applicants will contract directly with HCD for funding.
In making funding recommendations to HCD, Lake County Continuum of Care shall use a process which is:
· Fair and open and avoids conflicts of interest in project selection, implementation, and the administration of funds;
· Considers selection criteria reasonably consistent with the criteria used by the Department in section 8407;
· Complies with the requirements of sections 8408 and 8409;
· Incorporates reasonable performance standards as set forth in the Action Plan based on HUD requirements and guidance. If the applicant has not implemented the proposed activity or similar activity within the past three years, the Continuum of Care shall work with the funded applicant to ensure it meets reasonable performance standards specified in the Action Plan in the contract year;
· Complies with federal ESG requirements; and
· Considers any other practices promoted or required by HUD.
Additional background information is located here:
eCivis Portal Link:
Applications must be completed in eCivics, saved as a PDF file, and emailed to the Lake County CoC at Scott Abbott ( no later than 11:59 p.m. Pacific Standard Time on Friday, August 5, 2022.
Technical Assistance is available. For more information, please contact Scott Abbott or (707)274-9101.
About Lake County Continuum of Care
The Lake County Continuum of Care is a HUD-designated organization that promotes communitywide commitment to the goal of ending homelessness; provides funding for efforts by nonprofit providers, and State and local governments to quickly rehouse homeless individuals and families while minimizing the trauma and dislocation caused to homeless individuals, families, and communities by homelessness; promotes access to and effects utilization of mainstream programs by homeless individuals and families, and optimizes self-sufficiency among individuals and families experiencing homelessness.