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100 Day Challenge on Youth Homelessness

Lake County is embarking on another 100 Day Challenge!!!

Spread the word! We need more team members!!!

RE!NSTITUTE will be providing experienced catalysts to support our team. They have worked with the Lake County Ambassadors to assist in facilitating team conversations at the Launch Workshop, and will continue to during the 100 days by supporting and coaching our team through the process. Just to be clear, theirs is a facilitating and coaching role. Our team has elected a team leader during the Launch Workshop, and decided on the precise goal, the plan, and how Lake County will manage our team over the next 100 days. You can read more about the RE!NSTITUTE 100-Day Challenges journey and experiences of other teams at

This year’s challenge will be on Youth Homelessness in Lake County.

To get the ball rolling, a System Leader Design Session was held on June 6th, 2022. Leadership from Lake County Behavioral Health Services, Redwood Community Services, Hope Rising, Lake County CoC, Lakeport Police Department, Lake County Board of Supervisors, and Lake County Office of Education participated to outline the priorities of the Challenge. They proposed that the focus of the 100-Day Challenge should be as follows:

Youth up to age 24 with emphasis on:

- McKinney Vento’s definition of homelessness

- Tribal affiliation

- System-involved youth and families

We encourage you to build on existing and develop new relationships, such as partnerships with local service and governing agencies., and to use existing financial resources and projects in innovative ways, making the most of what we currently have available.

At the Launch Workshop, our team developed your own goal, in response to the focus area. Data gurus provided a summary of the best available data to inform teams and guide them to decision-making on our goal. We developed your own action plan to achieve this goal. Unlike other projects, this is not just about plans and recommendations. It is about actually making significant, measurable progress on real outcomes through concrete action, in 100 days. Our experience will inform further action to strengthen our systems and shift the ways we work together.

We held our Team Launch Workshop on June 29th and 30th, with the official Launch Date starting on Wednesday, July 6th.

Just to recap what has taken place so far:

Goal – House 60 Individuals, 70% being households with at least 1 Youth and/or Tribal affiliation, 10% being LGBTQ+ or System Involved, and 20% being Unaccompanied Youth.

The Data Team will be meeting every Tuesday at 8:30 am. This meeting will work in conjunction with the HMIS/CES committee meeting. 100 Day Challenge business will take place after all CoC matters are addressed and stay later if needed. Team members are with Lake County Behavioral Health Services and Sunrise Special Services Foundation.

The Equity Team will be receiving a separate email to discuss when is best to meet. Team members are from Woodland Community College, the NEST, Circle of Native Minds, Lake Family Resource Center, Redwood Community Services, and Lake County Behavioral Health Services.

The Life Skills/Housing Team will be meeting every Friday at 1:00 pm. This team will be meeting in conjunction with the Housing Navigators committee meeting. 100 Day Challenge business will take place after all CoC matters are addressed. Ideally, we will end up with more team members and we can split this workstream to ensure we are getting more completed throughout the 100 Days. Team members are from the Lake County Department of Probation, Harbor on Main, Lake County Behavioral Health Services, and Scotts Valley Band of Pomo Indians

Please find attached information:

Spreadsheets with the following information - Per Data, Data Collection, Action Plan with Milestones.

100 Day Challenge Roles

Team Launch Workshop PowerPoint

Here is the link to the Workshop Jamboard: 100 Day Challenge - Google Jamboard

Next Meeting – Thursday, July 21 at 1:00 pm.

For questions, please contact me at or call at 707-730-8191

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